
What is Solar Net Metering and How Can it Help You?

The amount of energy solar panels can produce varies from one day to the next. It depends on a number of factors including the amount of sunlight that falls on the panels, the time of the year, etc. At times when the solar panels produce less electricity than you need, you can meet the deficiency from the main power grid. On the other hand, if you generate more electricity than needed, it can be sent to the main power grid in exchange for a credit against your electricity bill, This is known as solar net metering.

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How does solar net metering work?

Most homes with solar panels produce excess electricity during the summer and have an electricity deficit during the winter. Similarly, the panels produce electricity only during the day, not at night. Most panels reach their peak energy production in the afternoon. However, in most homes, the electricity consumption is lowest in the afternoon and highest in the morning and late evenings. 

Net metering lets you store the excess electricity produced on the main power grid and use it when you have an energy deficit. Thus, you can draw electricity from the main power grid at night, during the monsoons and at other times when your panels can’t produce sufficient electricity. During this time, your electricity meter runs in reverse. You will then receive a certain amount of credit based on the number of kilowatt-hours of electricity given to the grid. When you need electricity from the main power grid, this credit can be used against your power bill.

With the right solar panel system and design, you can generate enough power to meet your electricity needs for the entire year. 

On the grid vs off the grid

It isn’t necessary for all homes with solar panels to use net metering. This comes into play in cases where the house is ‘on the grid’. This means that it uses solar panels but stays connected to the main power grid. If the house is not connected to the main power grid, it is considered to be ‘off the grid’. In such cases, the energy produced by the solar panels is stored in a battery. The disadvantage of this system is that most batteries have a limited capacity. Thus, they aren’t large enough to cater for seasonal changes in energy production. 

Net metering can be compared to a giant solar battery. This takes care of daily fluctuations as well as seasonal changes in electricity produced. 

In conclusion

One of the reasons most people install solar panels is to save on their monthly electricity bills. Solar net metering helps enhance these savings. Most homeowners who choose to work with this system are credited for the electricity they provide at the same rate that they would pay for their monthly bills. Thus, solar net metering can help you save more than an off the grid system. Isn’t it time you thought about it.

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